Matt Colgan Matt Colgan


Sustainabuild Breakfast Club launches in London

A sustainability focused network set up in Scotland in response to the climate emergency is launching in London to grow its community to accelerate the decarbonisation of the built environment.

Sustainabuild was founded in Edinburgh in January 2024 with a mission to bring together professionals driving sustainability in the built environment and construction sector to offer them the knowledge and network they need to achieve their net zero goals. They do this through their growing network, events and content programme.

Over the last six months, Sustainabuild has hosted Breakfast Clubs and evening networking events in Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow fostering collaboration whilst examining a range of crucial topics including the green skills gap, heat networks, sustainable building materials and retrofitting for net zero.

Now the popular Breakfast Club is launching in London, hosting its first event at Heatherwick Studio, Kings Cross on Thursday 19th September with the theme on, ‘Creating joyful, soulful, sustainable buildings and communities.’

It comes at a time when London is looking for ways to rapidly reduce emissions after The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, set a target for London to be net zero carbon by 2030. 

Khan has also laid out a raft of measures to achieve these goals in his Accelerated Green Pathway Plan, which examines ways to boost green jobs, tackle the climate and ecological emergencies, improve air quality and address inequalities.

The new London Sustainabuild Breakfast Club will examine many of these critical topics with leading industry figures to stimulate debate and foster new partnerships – with a view to inspire sustainable practice.

Matt Colgan, Director of Sustainabuild, comments: “Driving forward net-zero will require collaboration, joined-up thinking and effort between organisations that have historically operated in silos to create greater impact and accelerate the transition to zero carbon.

Sustainabuild in London will provide an opportunity to network and share knowledge on the evolving zero economy landscape in what is set to be a crucial few years for the country’s decarbonisation pathway.

Since its inception in January 2024, Sustainabuild Breakfast Club has brought together hundreds of professionals from the built environment and heard from several influential industry speakers, establishing itself as the must-attend sustainability focused event.

Feedback from guests in Scotland include glowing testimonies about the importance of bringing like-minded professionals together.”

Stephen Boyle, Manager of Built Environment at Zero Waste Scotland said: “Sustainabuild is creating valuable opportunities for positive change by fostering collaboration and innovation across the sector.

It is anticipated that Sustainabuild will be a valuable addition to aid London’s transition to net zero. It’s first event will be held at Heatherwick Studio on 19th September, with further venues and dates to be announced shortly.”

Eliot Postma, Partner and Group Leader at Heatherwick Studio adds, “As a studio we believe in being good for the planet and environmental sustainability is always high on our agenda. Hosting Sustainabuild at our home in London is an invitation for a wider conversation about the transition to net zero in architecture. We are glad to be part of it.”

Sustainabuild works with partners across the country, including Brewster Brothers – a recycled aggregate firm.

Tickets are priced at £20 for Sustainabuild VIP Members or £40 for non-members.

Book your place or find out about membership now at:

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